How To Turn Eco Mode Off On The Nest Thermostat

Is your Nest Thermostat constantly going into Eco Mode again and again? In this tutorial, you will learn how to turn Eco mode off on the Nest Thermostat.

If you want to save money on your heating and cooling bills, consider the Nest thermostat. This thermostat allows you to control the temperature in your home from any location while also saving you money on your utility bills.

As a result, Nest can be overly intelligent. You may have noticed that it keeps switching to eco mode. The question is, how can you stop it?

To prevent Nest from entering the eco mode, disable automatic switching to eco temperatures on your Nest thermostat. It is accessible from the Nest app’s Home/Away assist page, which is located at the top of the screen.

In the event that no one is at home, Nest thermostats automatically switch to eco temperatures, and then automatically switch back to cooling and heating. Although it is possible to keep the thermostat operating in its normal mode rather than switching to eco mode, this is not always the case.

What Is Eco Mode On Nest Thermostat?

Eco Mode is one of the features of your Nest Thermostat to switch the temperatures of your room automatically. Eco Mode is created to save energy while the consumer is away and not at home or wherever the Nest Thermostat is installed.

How To Turn Eco Mode Off On The Nest Thermostat

This feature turns off your AC while no one is at home. And turn it back on automatically before you are about to arrive at home, or arrived at home. But this feature sometimes becomes annoying as it may not start automatically after you arrive at your home and it takes a lot of time to cool your home.

This may cause reason to disable this Eco Mode feature sometimes. And I have discussed in the below article how you can stop Nest Thermostat from going into Eco Mode.

How To Turn Eco Mode Off On The Nest Thermostat

When Nest thermostats detect that no one is at home, they automatically switch to eco mode. To avoid wasting energy cooling or heating your house that is not required, follow the below-mentioned steps. Alternatively, you can use the Nest app or Google Assistant can also be used to manually set the thermostat to eco mode.

  • Select your Nest thermostat from the Nest app’s home screen.
  • In the upper right corner of the screen, select the Nest settings icon.
  • Please select Assist When Away/At Home.
  • In the top-right corner, you have the option to disable Eco Temperature switching automatically.
  • You can also choose whether your thermostat will use Eco Temperatures when you’re at home or away.

By using the above steps now your Nest Thermostat will stop switching to the Eco Mode automatically when you are at home or not. And if you want your Eco Mode setting back then you can follow the same steps mentioned above and then select enable Eco temperatures from the settings options.

How To Turn Off Eco Mode On Nest Thermostat

Or you can also use Google Assistant to enable Eco Mode later if you want to enjoy the Eco Mode feature of the Nest Thermostat.

Why Nest Thermostat Keep Switching To Eco Mode?

Eco temperatures are set temperatures that are intended to cool and heat your home in order to make it more comfortable while also lowering your energy cost. In addition to helping you save money on your energy bills, Nest thermostats have several other advantages. The most important factor in making these savings possible is the use of environmentally friendly temperatures.

It follows as a result that the Nest app’s Home/Away mode is always enabled. Therefore, the thermostat can detect when you are not at home and automatically switch to eco mode on the heating and cooling system.

For heating, the temperatures range between 78 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and for cooling, the temperatures range between 50 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit, For these temperatures, Nest gives you a lot of leeways because there is a lot to consider when selecting the temperatures you want.

Lower heating and cooling temperatures, as well as higher cooling temperatures, are the most effective ways to save money on energy.

If your device has been configured to use Eco Mode, it will only activate your heater or air conditioner when the temperature falls below the heating temperature or rises above the cooling temperature that has been specified.

Should You Use Eco Mode On Nest Thermostat?

Having the eco mode feature on Nest thermostats is primarily for the purpose of lowering energy bills. When no one is at home, Nest detects this and switches to eco-friendly temperatures to save energy, as previously mentioned.

Are the savings, however, worth the sacrifices made? Does it make sense for you to allow your thermostat to automatically switch to Eco mode?

Depending on your specific situation, the answer will vary. The savings aren’t worth it to some people, so they prefer to leave their thermostat in its default setting. When they are away, some people prefer to have the automatic switch activated to save money.

As a result, take the time to examine your thermostat and compare energy bills over a period of time to determine whether or not the setting is effective.

Wrap Up

Stopping Nest from going eco is now possible. Simply go into the Nest app’s Home/Away settings and turn off auto-switching to get started.

Later, to use eco mode, you must manually switch it. You can use Google Assistant[1] or the Nest app to do this. When in doubt, look at your energy bills to see if turning off automatic eco mode is a good idea.

I hope you were able to understand how to turn Eco Mode Off on Nest Thermostat. Let me know in the comment section if you are still facing any issues I will be happy to help you.

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Further Read:

  1. How To Reset Nest Thermostat Without Pin or App
  2. Can The Nest Mini Be Used As A Bluetooth Speaker With PC or TV Or Phone
  3. How To Manually Override A Nest Thermostat
  4. How To Hold Temperature on Nest Thermostat All Gen
  5. How To Connect A Nest Thermostat With Google Home